Which TBW flags fit "WARLORD EPIC BATTLES" the best?
WATERLOO - Our NEW 13mm Epic Waterloo range is designed to fit the flagpoles of the "Warlord Epic Battles Waterloo" models.
There are however TWO noticeable changes in our 13mm flag range, that are different to the Warlord Epic Waterloo flags. These are:
1. PRUSSIAN flags - are the same size as the Warlord French (see picture below).​
2. HANOVERIAN flags - are the same size as the Warlord French. Also there are no Hanoverian "British flags" in the range.
These changes were made to improve historical accuracy.

GETTYSBURG - We don't have a 13mm range for Gettysburg because our 10mm range fit these very well (see picture below).

Which TBW flags fit the WARLORD EPIC WATERLOO/GETTYSBURG the best?
10mm or 15/18mm?
Before I created the TBW 13mm range, I received many enquiries from people who wanted a different choice of flag to what the Warlord sets offered. As to why, a dullness in colour was sometimes mentioned. I was often asked the question:
"Which of your flags fit the Epic 12/13mm range the best. Your 15mm/18mm, or 10mm?"
The question was not that easy to answer, as some people preferred a smaller flag and some a larger one, so it was often down to taste. But generally speaking, the 10mm was too small, and the 15/18mm fit rather well - except for the British flag which was too big. So creating the 13mm range was an attempt to solve this problem for people.
For collectors who still wish to consider using a 15/18mm flag, I include some photos below to assist, together with some notes and observations.

Notes & Observations
Flagpoles for Epic Gettysburg and Waterloo differ in size. Gettysburg are between 3-5 mm shorter than the Waterloo flagpoles.
TBW 10 mm infantry/cavalry flags* fit comfortably on the Epic flagpoles. However, the Epic Waterloo flags appear relatively small due to the longer flagpoles, whereas the Union/Confederate 10mm flags look more in balance.
TBW 15/18mm French/Prussian infantry & all Waterloo cavalry flags* fit comfortably on the Epic flagpoles.
TBW 15/18 mm British/Union infantry flags are about 2-3 mm longer than the Epic flagpole.
TBW 15/18mm Confederate flags are about 1 mm longer than the Epic flagpole
To make large flags fit a small flagpole some careful cutting down the pole with a sharp blade, will enable them to fit.
Custom-made wire flagpoles: replacing the Epic flagpoles with your own wire ones cut to the length you prefer, will enable you to make any flag fit.
Curling the flags with a wind-blown effect will help visually to mitigate size differences.
* Epic Gettysburg cavalry does not supply a flag-bearing figure. The one shown above has been adapted with a simple wire flagpole. Both 10 mm & 15/18mm size cavalry flags will fit a 2 cm flagpole.

TBW - Miniature Flags for Wargamers & Collectors
Based in Chippenham, Wiltshire, England