​ The Battle of Waterloo: Bookshop for Military History & Wargaming
​Specializes in ALL subjects to do with the epic, historical battle, fought in Belgium, on June 18th, 1815, between the army of France commanded by the Emperor Napoleon, and the allied armies commanded by the Duke of Wellington and Marshall Blucher.
The books in this selection, cover the many historical aspects of this dramatic, courageous and tragic day:
Anecdotes and memoires of the generals and soldiers who fought at Waterloo
Details of the uniforms worn on the day by the French, British, German and Netherlands armies
Battlefield tactics and campaign strategy
Orders of Battle for all armies
Flags carried by battalions and regiments
Wargaming and painting miniature scale armies for tabletop recreations of the battle
Fought over 200 years ago, this monumental clash that changed the course of history in Europe, still resonates deeply with avid readers passionate about military history, and all things Napoleonic - with an ever-growing flow of books being published on this subject, examining every detail imaginable, the fascination with the Battle of for Waterloo continues unabated to this day.
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