October 15th, 2023
BATTLE OF GETTYSBURG in 15mm now released!
August 29th, 2023
SINGLE FLAG SHEETS in 10mm, will be available on 3rd September, but can be ordered now.
Apologies to my 10mm customers, who may have wanted these a bit earlier.
Links for 10mm Single Flag Sheet products:
TBW02-FS1 French Line Infantry/Cavalry Tricolours
TBW02-FS2 French Line Infantry Battalion Flags
TBW02-FS3 Imperial Guard Infantry & Cavalry
TWB04-BS2 KGL Infantry, British/KGL Cavalry
TBW04-BS3 Hanoverian Infantry & Cavalry
TBW06-PS1 Prussian infantry & Cavalry
TBW08-DS1 Dutch-Belgian, Nassau & Brunswick
What's coming next? From October to December will see two new ranges, featuring the "Battle of Gettysburg" and also the remaining French and Prussian forces from the 100 Days campaign who did not fight at Waterloo.
April 5th, 2023
Now you can order just the flag sheets you want, and don't need to purchase whole sets if you don't need them.
Some collectors don't require all the flags for an entire Waterloo army as provided in my flag sets, or indeed the information provided by the 'Orders of Battle'. So what I've now done is to produce flag sheets whereby you can pretty much order just the flags you want without any frills.
For example, if you require just the French line infantry tricolours at Waterloo, that sheet can be ordered by itself. As too for the British infantry.
Links for Single Flag Sheet products:
TBW01-FS1 French Line Infantry/Cavalry Tricolours
TBW01-FS2 French Line Infantry Battalion Flags
TBW01-FS3 Imperial Guard Infantry & Cavalry
TWB03-BS2 KGL Infantry, British/KGL Cavalry
TBW03-BS3 Hanoverian Infantry & Cavalry
TBW05-PS1 Prussian infantry & Cavalry
TBW07-DS1 Dutch-Belgian, Nassau & Brunswick
10mm will follow later in the year.
All the best,
​​​January 15th, 2023
DUTCH-BELGIAN, NASSAU FLAG SETS 15/18mm & 10mm ... Arriving from the printers, Wednesday 18th!
Although I marked these sets due for a March/April release, I decided to work on them over the Christmas and New Year, so now they're done! The most difficult part was in deciding what flags to create, especially as the Dutch-Belgians were not issued with any officially for the Waterloo campaign. I think they look pretty good, though, and I'm pleased with the results.
Check out this new flag set here
... I'm sorry to say, that I've needed to hike the price up, from £14.95 to £16.95 per set, to reflect my growing costs. I hope you still think they're worth the investment.
Have a great New Year!
November 19th, 2022
The new sets of Prussian flags arrived from the printers today, and after a lot of hard work, I must say, I'm very satisfied with them! The real test, however, is what my patrons think, so I really hope everyone likes them.
The hardest part of this project, was deciding what flags to use for all the Landwehr and ex-Reserve regiments that were not supposed to have carried any for Waterloo. In the end, I designed a wide range of what I consider to be realistic designs and alternatives that will, above all else, offer a rich selection to choose from.
P.S. I've also added a new shopping cart to the website, as the previous one was a bit awkward. This one is integrated with my website host, so will run more smoothly.
July 7th, 2022
I'm pleased to announce something I've wanted to do for a while now, which is to create an online bookshop that brings together books that specialise in Waterloo, all under one roof. I'm using the brilliant online platform of Bookshop.org, because it allows you to support your local bookshop (unlike Amazon, which happily destroys them). Go to "The Battle of Waterloo Online Bookshop"
July 3rd, 2022
​​Featured in the new set are TWO versions of infantry battalion flags for both the Imperial Guard and Line regiments. For the Line, a regulation plain colour flag has been created, and also an additional flag that includes regimental and battalion numerals, with either an "N" or a bugle symbol, to signify a Line or Light infantry regiment.
For the Guard, I have not created plain flags, but have offered instead two versions based on the regulation battalion colours, which are tricolours for the Old Guard, blue flags for the Middle Guard, and for the Young Guard, white for Tirailleurs and red for Voltiguers.
One set is a generic flag, based on known symbols of grenades, bugles, eagles, and the N wreath that was often used. The second set features regimental and battalion numerals, as I've done with the Line regiments. All based purely on conjecture and extrapolation of course, but I think they work rather well - I hope you do too!
My reasoning here is simply to offer choice and flexibility for collectors and wargamers alike, some of whom prefer to keep to what little detail is known historically, while others prefer more detail on their flags to individualise their units.
Why did I redo them? Well, it's down to the curse of the creator! Over time, one tends to get slightly better at what you do, and when you see improvements that you can make, it's very difficult to ignore!
At least I can take this progress into the Prussian/Brunswick/Nassau/Netherlands sets coming next in the Autumn, so they should be good. My eyes need a long rest first, though :) ...
​TBW - Miniature Flags for Wargamers & Collectors
Based in Chippenham, Wiltshire, England