There are TWO changes we have made to our 13mm flag range that are different to the "Warlord Epic Waterloo" flags:
1. PRUSSIAN flags - are the same size as the Warlord French (see above picture).
2. HANOVERIAN flags - are the same size as the Warlord French. Also there are no Hanoverian "British flags" in the range.
These changes were made to improve historical accuracy.
"Beautiful flags in a very well laid out and high quality booklet.
Came super fast and provides everything you would need
for all the armies at Waterloo. Highly recommended."
- Graham, Hereford
If you don't need the complete set of flags, order single flag sheets here...
1. What flags are included in this set?
This set includes 430 paper flags designed for cutting-out and gluing to miniatures. They cover all the armies that were present at the Battle of Waterloo on June 18th, 1815, with flags for every regiment and battalion, with the exception of some British Light Infantry (Rifles, KGL).
2. What size miniatures do the flags fit?
The flags have been sized for the Warlord "Epic Waterloo" scale which is stated as being 12.5 mm, but which we represent as "13mm" for simplicity's sake!
The flag sizes in this set compare with Warlord flags as follows:
British flags are the same size as Warlord's
French flags are the same size as Warlord's
Prussian, Hanoverian, Netherlands, Nassau and Brunswick flags are the same size as the Warlord French
The Prussian and Hanoverian flags have been reduced in size compared to Warlord's. This is to make them more historically accurate. The British flags were always the largest of the Napoleonic Wars, being 6'6 x 6'0 (2 x 1.8m), but no other nation had them this big. Also, most Hanoverian battalions carried just one flag, and there is no evidence they carried a second flag that was British. ​
​3. How should I fix the flags to the miniature flag pole?
The best glue to use is one that doesn't dry too quickly so that you can manipulate the flag into its final position before it dries. This will allow you to form twists and turns in the flag to depict it waving and bellowing in the wind, if desired. The flags already include artistic depictions of "folds and creases", but physically bending the flags will definitely increase the realistic effect.
4. What type of paper are the flags printed on?
The colour flags are laser printed onto 130gsm satin paper which provides both endurance and flexibility with a slight sheen.
5. How accurate are the flags historically?
Where examples still exist in museums, these are reproduced. In the case where little or nothing is known about what flags were carried, then hypothetical flags have been created based on conjecture using some historically known details, or just creative designs where no details exist.
The following codes appear on flag pages to indicate source of design:
"H": Historical - based on historically known details and relics
"C": Conjecture - adapted from some historically known details
British flags for Waterloo are well represented in historical records and so are largely accurate. The Rifles and KGL Light Infantry 100% did not carry flags. Cavalry flags for the British and all armies are included, even though these were usually not carried into the field.​
Hanoverian regiments had a variety of flags of no standard design, and what most battalions carried at Waterloo is unknown. What is certain, is that none of them had British flags. While some of the Hanoverian flags are based on historical details, most flags in this set are hypothetical.
Dutch-Belgian troops probably followed the French model of carrying battalion fanions, as they were in Napoleon's service only a year previous. As to their colour, two museum examples of light infantry flags, show one to be white and the other orange. However, some sources have speculated that Line battalions carried white flags, Light infantry yellow, and Militia orange - and these depictions are often seen in miniature flags offered commercially. In 1820, new flags were issued to the Netherlands army which were all orange, and as orange was the national colour, it would be reasonable to assume that it probably also prevailed at Waterloo as a flag colour. So I offer you a choice, as to your preference! In this flag set you can choose to have all your Netherlands regiments carry orange flags, or instead choose white, yellow and orange as described.
Only a handful of Prussian regiments were officially supposed to have carried flags at Waterloo. After 1813, the Landwehr were not allowed to have them, and the former Reserve regiments promoted to Line status for the 1815 campaign, were not issued with their new flags until much later in the year. So what to do? Most collectors and wargamers prefer to have flags with their model regiments, so this set offers a selection to choose from, including the flags that were actually issued to the former Reserve regiments a few months after Waterloo.
While French regimental tricolours are embedded in history, details of battalion fanions are less certain. Infantry of the Line were meant to have carried plain colour flags with no embellishments - White for 2nd Battalion; Red for 3rd; Blue for 4th - but one Colonel of a Waterloo regiment, at least, is known to have ignored the Emperor's dictate, and so therefore have I :).
The Imperial Guard infantry had two eagles and regimental flags, carried by the 1st Grenadiers and Chasseurs, while all the rest had battalion fanions. Based on 1812 regulations, these were: Old Guard Tricolours; Middle Guard Blue; Young Guard White for Tirailleurs, Red for Voltiguers. Fanion embellishments are speculative, and whether regulations were adhered to, or not, remains a fact lost to history.
The aim of this set is to provide collectors and wargamers of Warlord Epic Battles Waterloo series with a complete and flexible range of flags for the Battle of Waterloo.​ My wish is that you will find this flag selection to be of great practical use and exactly what you need. However, if you think it can be improved upon in any way, I'm always pleased to hear suggestions!

TBW - Miniature Flags for Wargamers & Collectors
Based in Chippenham, Wiltshire, England
​Epic Waterloo
13 mm Scale
Miniature Flags
​(Quantity 430)
A 15-page booklet with laser-colour flags professionally printed on satin paper.
5 pages of flags
2 pages of Battle of Waterloo map
5 pages of Orders of Battle
1 page of Figure Conversion info
1 page of Information & FAQ
​A4 Booklet